Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Fourth of July today! I went to go see fireworks with my friends. This one kid's such a dick, I just realized. He says dick-ish things all the time. But no matter. I met this cool kid Julia who's learning Japanese and who plays RPGs. We talked about pokemon for a while. I love meeting new kids!

I miss you. It's different not having you around. You're such a wonderful dose of sunshine. I can never truly tell you how much better you make my life, but even having your memory makes something somehow better. If I (god forbid) had your memory completely erased when I woke up tomorrow, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now, missing you.

I hope you're having fun. I just can't help but worry about you, but I trust that you'll be safe. I just hope that you're eating enough, not geting strange diseases... all of that. I love you so fucking much, I wouldn't worry about this with anyone else. I hope you had fun in London, too. I'm sure you did; it's a you kind of place.

Okay, this is turning into a ramble. I hope you know this'll be continued in pen and ink when I get to Edinburgh, so don't think you'll be safe. Cuz you won't be. Ever.

...creepy! Okay, for real ending this now.

All my love.


EDIT//12.40: 27 new pictures of you on Facebook! Anyway, about half way through them I realize how ridiculous it is how deeply in love with you I am.