Sunday, November 11, 2007

I hate that I worry about stuff like this, and I'm sure I'll be over it when the sun rises, but.

I'm so worried about the future. Not our future. I feel good about you and I. But, we live in such uncertain times... there aren't sovereign nations to be afraid of anymore, just ideas and peoples. I hate to sound so biggoted (I swear I'm not a bigot,) but Islam is making huge inroads in Europe, and its' a new type of immigration: the immigrants hate the culture of their new homes. Maybe I'm xenophobic, but I deal with immigration all the time here. I love it, because it makes the world so much more diverse, but that immigration scares me.

I don't know what struck me with such a fear of the future. I care about the world, I guess. I care about Europe especially. I guess I have this romantic image of it that I don't want destroyed...

Maybe I really am a bigot. Oh goodness, me and my 12:00am soul searching.

I love you, that's what I know for sure.