Monday, September 24, 2007

I wonder if something's on your mind...

I love you, and I always will.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tomorrow, I'll do my homework, and then we're going to have some legit best friend time.

I've been thinking about what I said about my fears and, after a brief but very real existential crisis (not really! I'm fine! just like... life examination time, you know?), I wanna talk a bit more about what I was telling you about. I think it was a bit unclear and silly sounding, and now that you really forced that outta me... I feel better. It's like in spirited away when-- you know what, I'm a nerd

But I'm a nerd who loves you. :D

Forever and ever.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

confession: I'm looking forward to applying to college because it'll be the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sometimes, it makes me really happy to do all the things we do together. Like, sitting on my bed watching reality shows and eating mangos. I even sit in the same place we always sit in.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nick: you said you were gonna go to sleep in 10
Nick: but you meant 10 human minutes
Midori: RIGHT
Nick: and 10 vampire minutes actually go to 3.45.
Midori: yeah
Nick: human time
Nick: i mean.
Nick: so yeah.
Nick: that's just a rough mental conversion though.
Midori: we make the perfect couple you know.

you can cut through everything with a single line, you know. that's one for the vaults.

Friday, September 07, 2007

I wonder where you are?

Monday, September 03, 2007

hm, this wasn't here before...

The shrill cry sliced through the night's dark stillness, piercing through the brisk air as if it too wanted to escape, but instead echoing back to plague her again, strangely hallowed as if the landscape had somehow altered the noise, finally allowing it to waft up from the damp grass into the desolate moonlight above.

and so it begins.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Technology is purely mechanical: gears meshing with gears. Lightbulbs exist, though they're expensive and one must provide one's own energy; usually only machinists like Idarus have toys like that. Metalwork is important to Armour, and so machinecraft goes hand in hand with metalcraft, especially for poorer areas where gold and brass aren't options. Phosphoric displays and wax-based memory are the height of modern technology.

The most practical use of technology is production: factories work on coal or boiling water. Factories center around metalcraft, and although factory-production has not yet uprooted artisans' craftsmanship, that revolution has already begun.

The actual tenets of technological design base more around the superstitious flavor of Greek science than around what a Western person would consider "modern scientific thought." However, this science is often accurate and proves mostly practical. Sacred geometry is the solitary overlap between Aumorian science and the now-outlawed Aurmorian magic.

Gunpowder and artillery are in their early stages of development, and are used sparsely by the military, and mostly to replace catapults. Most soldiers do, however, carry stumpshots.
I've been working on Armour again.

I think you're having a nightmare or something. If something feels unsettled in my stomach and I focus on it, I can tell when it's something I can't explain. I hope you're okay