Monday, February 12, 2007

(anyway, back to the more dry, factual stuff)

Terres Procules

Although the Republic is relatively compact for a nation of it's power, it has under it's (more or less de facto) influence a few very important tribal commonwealths. These commonwealths are not under direct governance. However, all citizens of Armour are tolerant and acceptant of foreigners. Xenophobia is a most severe crime, and is one of the few crimes punishable by permanent exile and revoked citizenship. (Most crimes entail a certain amount of years of servitude in foreign territory.)

The central city of Armour is viewed as a uniting power to these otherwise feuding tribes. Indeed, Armour is guilty of organized-crime-like techniques: a tribe that refuses to cooperate is granted their wish, and may expect no help against the united tribes that oppose it. The tribes are, however, at peace, and offer not only raw materials but also rich culture history.

The city of Armour was originally no more than a tribe itself. When the area was conquered by the Latines, it was chosen as a central city, and has remained that way for as long as a written language has existed. However, much of Armour's rich mythology was destroyed by the Latines. Very few gadderian (traditional religious fellowships) exist from the original Armour tradition.

Surrounding tribes have diverse, although conceptually similar beliefs. Many citizens of Armour appreciate and follow these beliefs, although the official government traditionally ignores them.