Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I can tell when something's bothering you. I just hope it isn't me.

I love you so much, honey.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

To my one and only,

I know I have issues with leaving you alone to deal with stuff sometimes (read: I can't leave you alone), but I know you'll be able to get through this all yourself. You're so strong, and I know you don't need any of my help.

I promise I'm not worrying anymore. I'm a bit upset that you're upset (you know how it is), but I'm trying to keep it all down to give you as much space as I can. I'll be here for you every second (i'm SO sorry i couldn't answer my phone today), whether you need me or not.

I love you.
I wonder where you are. i hope you're okay.

i love you.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Someone once told me
That the only words worth saying
Are the ones you never say.

Sometimes, a few unsaid words slither
Right into your ribcage and clasp some ventricle
You didn't know you had (until it stops pumping),
And you have to gasp for air with new-found lungs
Like you're being born again but messier.

I found myself in a new place where gravity
Isn't quite horizontal or vertical, but
You're still perfectly on your feet
And everywhere looks just like home.

Words wriggle their tendrils out and you can
See them coil around the heads of men and unplug
Their hearts from their brains like televisions from walls:
They all trance on, spitting static from blunt tongues
And pretty soon everyone sees white snow like gospel.

Hearts are antennae, you know, and I guess
All bad is just a fuzzy signal after all.