Friday, December 21, 2007

a smile i can't shake

Monday, December 17, 2007

Portez-moi a un lieu
où les mots ne vont pas,
où nos pensées ne sont pas des sons,
où il n'y a rien sauf le néant,
où nos atomes lourds peuvent dériver dans l'éther
et nous pouvons être libres.

I wonder where you are. I hope you're okay.

i'm playing chess to make myself stop worrying. I just love you.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I wish I could take back every single thing that I've ever done to hurt you. I wish I could redo every thing I didn't do for you.

I'm so fucking sorry.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

First of all, I'm seriously sorry I worry so much about you. I try to chill, I promise.

Anyway, I love you! and I miss you. If you're not in the mood to skype tonight, don't worry! We'll have plenty of time tomorrow, I promise. Just imagine me cuddling up with you.

Luff. :D

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"Maybe I should stop starting clubs and putting on plays."
"It's possible."
"I should work on picking up chicks. That's all anyone ever cares about. But it's not my forte."
"Don't worry, Max. You're like a clipper ship captain. You're married to the sea."
"Yeah, but I've been out to sea a long time."

We'll watch Rushmore together someday. :)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I hope it's all just stress. I love you so much. icanthelpbutworryyou'renotactinglikeyourselfatall